Are you looking for work and hoping to find something unusual that will pay the bills? Here are eight examples of rather unconventional professions.

Some people read palms…some read cards…others have a crystal ball. And some people bring a lipstick reader to make their parties a little more interesting. The reader looks at a lipstick imprint on a piece of paper and tells people about themselves, their relationships and their future. 25-30€ per reading.
Are you too busy to waste hours standing in line waiting to get the new iPhone, buy tickets for that
Springsteen concert, or renew your passport? No problem: just hire a professional queuer to do the boring part for you! 15-25€ per hour.
Every morning at 9.00, he stands outside the Queen’s window (at Buckingham Palace, Balmoral Castle, Windsor Castle or Holyroodhouse) and plays the bagpipes for 15 minutes. The position is given to a serving member of the Armed Forces and was created in 1843. 60,000€ per year.
Lots of golf courses have lakes and ponds. Lots of golfers hit their balls into that water. The golf ball diver is the person who recovers those balls so they can be re-sold. If you’re not afraid of the dark, can carry a 30kg bag of balls, and don’t mind if there are snakes, turtles and maybe even the occasional alligator around, this might be the job for you! As much as 100,000€ per year.
Tired? Fancy a rest? Then why not apply for a job checking mattresses for their manufacturers or beds for hotels? Compare how well you sleep in different conditions (changes in lighting or temperature, after drinking water, coffee or alcohol) and write a blog about the experience. Around 50,000€ per year.
Or sensory scientist, if you prefer. If you have sensitive hands, and can tell the difference between baby oil and Vaseline, how about a part-time job feeling people’s faces to test the effect of cosmetic products on people’s skin? 25€ per hour.
If you have a degree in TV or film, or at least a lot of knowledge, there may be an opportunity for you at Netflix. The company has 48,000,000 subscribers, so leaves nothing to chance. “Taggers”, as they are called, sit at home watching films and series all day, analyzing and commenting on the content before the rest of us see it. Pay? Hard to say, but a lot more than we get for watching television!
If you like dogs, and walking, this is perfect for you! By working just two weeks a month, and sometimes taking several dogs at the same time, dog walkers in the UK earn 20% more than the national average salary. 13€ per dog per hour.